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Join Our Club

2024 Online Membership Form

Membership runs from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

    Due to our new sustainable funding model, we have decided to lower our membership fee to a flat rate of $20.00 for a single or family membership.
    Our Board is always looking for volunteers who may be interested in assisting with the ATV Club. Whether it be helping on a committee to maintain the trail grooming, brushing and deadfall clearing or helping with club ride events or signing maintenance or general administration or to become a Board Director, we would be happy to hear from you and discuss.
  • Payment

    You may choose between paying by e-Transfer or PayPal. If using e-Transfer, log into your own financial institution and process a $20.00 e-Transfer payment to "" We have auto deposit turned on so no need to create a password. If using PayPal, log into your own PayPal account and select the send money option and send your $20.00 membership fee amount to "" On your PayPal payment screen, you can also choose the option to pay by your credit card payment.
  • $ 0.00 CAD

Now accepting e-transfer or PayPal or credit card payment.